The legal and regulatory considerations of the Heartbleed bug


As everyone knows, there has been a bunch of chatter on the Heartbleed bug. The vast majority has been focused on identification and remediation. While both are important, the folks over at information lawgroup ( posted some things to consider from a legal perspective. Here’s the link (FAQs Concerning the Legal Implications of the Heartbleed Vulnerability – It is a little repetitive, but still informative.

They talk a bit about breach laws and HIPPA, with the main take away been that being exposed to the bug doesn’t trigger any legal action per-say. Like anything, failure to react and remediate could lead to some form of negligence and ultimately legal exposure.

The bank regulators also chimed in. The FFIEC publish some guidance on the Heartbleed matter recently ( The guidance reminds institutions to not only patch their own systems, but to check with outsourced providers to make sure that they have taken appropriate action as well. Banks should ask for and document this verification from providers so that it can be shown to regulators during the next exam cycle.

Some Quick Notes on Heartbleed


I’ve been receiving a bunch of questions on this, so let me try and summarize things a bit…

What you need to know:

Any website running OpenSSL (Versions 1.0.1 – 1.0.1f) are at risk. This is the software that creates a secure encrypted session with a given webserver (for example – online shopping or banking). OpenSSL is said to be running on 66% of all Internet servers.

The simple gist of the vulnerability allows an attacker to send a message to a webserver and receive back a portion of memory that is being used to run the server. The bit of memory could contain usernames, passwords, encryption keys, etc. If run multiple times, a great deal of sensitive information could be gathered and used for evil purposes.

The term heartbleed was coined because the message being sent is a heartbeat or keep alive packet, for a secure connection, that allows for a secure connection to stay open and ultimately bleed out any vital information.

Action needed:

• Upgrade any old versions of OpenSSL installations in your environment – ( For example: Servers, Firewalls, VPN concentrators – pretty much anything that uses a secure web connection with OpenSSL.

• If not contacted directly to do so, consider changing your password on sites that have been effected by the vulnerability. There are links below to help figure that out.

• Ignore attempts from phishers or other scam artist to reset passwords or patch systems

Useful links:

The site dedicated to the entire issue:

For a technical explanation, watch this video:

The actual MITRE listing is here:

Here is a list of sites that could be effected:

Here are a few tools to determine if a site has the heartbleed bug:

I hope this helps!